👋 Hey everyone! Wondering why Shortiny is completely free? No catch, we promise! We're passionate about making top-quality URL shortening accessible to all. Rest assured, existing users will keep enjoying all features for free. If we ever introduce paid plans in the future, it will only apply to new users. Spread the word and invite your friends to grab their free accounts now! 🚀

Completely Free Link Shortener

Effortlessly shorten and customize your links for free

Why Choose Shortiny?

Shortiny is the completely free link shortener that provides powerful features without any cost. Say goodbye to paid services and start shortening your links without spending a dime.

Track Link Performance

Gain valuable insights into the performance of your shortened links. Shortiny provides detailed statistics and analytics to help you understand your audience and measure the effectiveness of your links.

Target Your Audience

Redirect your users based on their location, device, or language. You can target specific segments of your audience and provide personalized experiences.

Retarget Your Audience

Retarget your audience by adding tracking pixels to your links. Maximize your marketing efforts by reaching out to users who have shown interest in your products or services.

Share on Social Platforms

Share your shortened links on popular social platforms and reach a wider audience. Shortiny makes it easy to share your links on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Enhanced Privacy Options

Secure your links with password protection and expiration options. Keep your links private and control who can access them.

Export Your Data

Export all your links and statistics in CSV format for further analysis. Get a comprehensive view of your link performance and make data-driven decisions.

Streamline Your Link Management

Unlock the full potential of your links with our comprehensive link management platform. Take control of your brand, track your performance, and effortlessly share your short links.

Link Shortening Made Easy

Shorten, customize, and optimize your links with our advanced features. Share them seamlessly across various channels and drive more traffic to your content.

Organize and Optimize with Spaces

Effortlessly keep your links organized and easily accessible by using custom spaces. Group your links based on campaigns, projects, or any other criteria to streamline your workflow.

Brand Your Links, Boost Engagement

Elevate your brand identity by branding your links with your own domains. Build trust, increase click-through rates, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
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Fusce - Vehicula
Consequat - Elit Ornare
Sit - Amet
Lorem - Ipsum Dolorem

Track and Analyze Link Performance

Gain valuable insights into your audience and measure the effectiveness of your links with comprehensive statistics. Our platform ensures compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR regulations.

Overview of Link Performance

Get a bird's-eye view of your link performance and identify trends and patterns. Understand how your links are performing at a glance and make data-driven decisions.

Referrers and Traffic Sources

Uncover the sources that drive traffic to your links. Analyze referrers and understand which channels are most effective in generating clicks and engagement.

Geographical Insights

Explore the countries and cities where your links are being accessed. Identify your target markets and tailor your marketing efforts to specific regions.

Language, Platform, and Browser Analysis

Discover the languages spoken by your audience and ensure your content is localized. Gain insights into the platforms and browsers used to access your links, optimizing your user experience.

Device Performance

Understand how your links perform on different devices. Analyze data on desktop, mobile, and tablet devices to optimize your website and landing pages for maximum impact.
United States

Seamless Integrations with Retargeting Platforms

Effortlessly connect Shortiny with your preferred retargeting platforms to supercharge your marketing efforts.


Start Shortening Links for Free with Shortiny

Experience the power of Shortiny, the ultimate free link shortener. Sign up now and take control of your links. Effortlessly shorten your links to make them more shareable, memorable, and impactful.

Sign Up for Free

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Shortiny really free to use?
Yes, Shortiny is completely free to use. You can enjoy all the features without any charges.
How can I track the performance of my shortened links?
Shortiny provides comprehensive statistics and analytics to help you track the performance of your shortened links. You can measure click-through rates and analyze the effectiveness of your links.
Is there any limit on the number of links I can shorten?
No, there is no limit on the number of links you can shorten with Shortiny. Feel free to shorten as many links as you need.
Can I customize my shortened links?
Absolutely! With Shortiny, you can customize your shortened links with meaningful names or keywords according to your preferences.